104 Berry Knoll
Sitka, Alaska 99835
When you want to experience fishing in the real wilderness, where every cast is an opportunity to do battle with the catch of a lifetime, you choose Alaska. For many, an Alaska fishing trip is a gateway to the fishing they've always dreamed about, where game fish thrive in numbers that go beyond description.
Sitka is recognized as the premier Southeast Alaska fishing destination, with some of the best catch rates in the entire state. Your trip to Kingfisher Charters & Lodge will immerse you in the sprawling unspoiled beauty of Alaska, while we introduce you to some of the best fishing you will likely ever experience.
For employment opportunities please inquire at lodgejobs2024@gmail.com.
When you spend your hard earned money on a fishing trip in Alaska, nothing is more disappointing than getting stymied by the weather. The weather in Alaska is unpredictable and often as untamed as its wild past, making fishing difficult in some Alaska regions. However, Sitka stands out as a premier Alaska fishing destination because it's possible to work around bad weather and rough seas.
Sitka is nestled right along the Alaska coast, with the ocean on one side, and the Inside Passage on the other. On days where the weather cooperates the boats we contract with generally head offshore into the ocean, but on days where the winds and waves make the journey less desirable they are able to fish in the protected bays and passageways of the inside waters. Being able to go fishing every day throughout your trip is another way Sitka stands out from other Alaska destinations.
Another distinct advantage of choosing Sitka as your Alaskan fishing destination is that you're able to target all of the game fish for which the state is famous. You'll go fishing for dime-bright, ocean-run Alaska salmon right in the path of their migratory routes, targeting kings that peak in late May and June, and silvers that get consistent and plentiful July through September.
Bottom fishing in Sitka waters is top-notch, and you'll be targeting pacific halibut, yelloweye rockfish, black rockfish, lingcod, and sablefish, aka black cod (if you like Chilean sea bass, you'll love sablefish). Best of all, you could target all of these species in a single day.